Enhanced Resource and Referral Services

This service offers your employees a customized and enhanced child care resource and referral service. Our experienced Parent Counselors have access to an extensive up to date database of programs for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years.  It includes all local, regulated programs (child care centers, family and group family child care programs, school age programs) as well as other types of child care like summer camps, nursery schools, employment agencies for nanny placements, and au pair agencies.  For those employees living outside of the county, we have a close working relationships with resource and referral agencies throughout the country so all employees will get the same comprehensive, individualized service.


The referrals given to your employees are not recommendations. Child Care Council of Nassau does not recommend, nor endorse a particular individual or program.  Your employees receive expert guidance and resources throughout the entire process of selecting a child care program.  With these tools, parents can make informed decisions for choosing the child care program that best suits their needs.
