Great Nonprofits
Council is proud to announce that we now qualify for the 2017 Great Nonprofits Badge! To read our reviews, please click the link to be directed to the page:
Help us make even more of a difference in our community! Have you ever written an online review of a product or restaurant? is a review site like Yelp. They are honoring highly-reviewed nonprofit organizations with their Top-Rated List. You can help us raise visibility for our work by posting an anonymous review of your experience with us. All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It's very easy to do, only takes a minute, and your review could help us be on the Top-Rated List.
In order to become Top-Rated, we need at least 10 positive reviews every year by October 31! Please help us by visiting, clicking "Write a Review," and evaluating your experience! We are reaching out to parents and providers for their reviews as well. Any and all reviews will put us on our way to becoming a Top-Rated nonprofit organization.
The benefits of securing Top-Rated status include:
- Being promoted to media and corporate foundations on the interactive Top-Rated List
- Adding the Top-Rated badge to our website, marketing materials and grant proposals
- The opportunity to show off our status to new donors and promote our achievement