Family/Group Family Child Care Checklist

Child Care Council of Nassau, Inc
99 Quentin Roosevelt

Garden City, NY 11530

Administration: (516) 358-9250
Resource & Referrals: (516) 358-9288
Fax: (516) 358-9287

Checklist for Family/Group Family Child Care

Name of Program: ___________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________
Date Visited: ______________________________________________________________

Question Yes No
Is this a place where your child will be comfortable and happy? Yes No
Is the provider's home appropriately childproofed? Yes No
Does the provider take the children outside each day for fresh air? Yes No
Do the children seem to be happily engaged in activities? Yes No
Does the provider show patience and a sense of humor with the children? Yes No
Is the provider flexible and open to adjusting the day to fit your child's needs? Yes No
Does the provider show respect for the children? Yes No
Is cultural diversity respected and celebrated? Yes No




Question Yes No
Does the provider seem nurturing and experienced with caring for infants? Yes No
Does the provider hold the infants during feeding times? Yes No
Is each infant on his own schedule for feeding and napping? Yes No
Are there bright, interesting objects at the infant's eye-level? Are there infant toys on the floor? Yes No
Are babies allowed to crawl and explore? Yes No




Question Yes No
Is the provider experienced in dealing with toddler behavior? Yes No
Are the toddlers taken outside at least twice per day, weather permitting? Yes No
Does the provider encourage toddlers to use words to resolve conflicts with other children? Yes No
Are the children allowed to watch TV? If so, what is the policy? Yes No




Question Yes No
Is the program stimulating, with varied preschool activities? Yes No
Is the children's artwork displayed at their eye-level? Yes No
Are the children allowed to watch TV? If so, what is the policy? Yes No




Question Yes No
Does the provider offer school-age activities? Yes No
Are the children allowed to watch TV? If so, what is the policy? Yes No
Is there a quiet area where your child can do her homework? Yes No
Does the provider seem experienced with and knowledgeable about school-age issues? Yes No
Does the provider have school-age children of her own present after school? Yes No
Are the school-age children ever allowed outside of the home on their own? If so, under what conditions? Yes No